Searching for a Dumpster Rental Company in Brighton, MI & surrounding areas?

We offer free estimates for residential and commercial jobs

Get Rid of Unwanted Clutter Once and for All

Arrange for a dumpster rental in Brighton, MI & surrounding areas

If you're planning a move or remodeling a space, you'll have a lot of things that need to be tossed. From boxes of junk to construction debris, a dumpster rental from Wastek can carry all of your unwanted items. We offer residential and commercial drop-offs throughout Brighton, MI & surrounding areas. You can rest assured knowing that we'll dispose of your items properly. We’re committed to providing a smooth and seamless process from start to finish.

Call 855-WASTEK-1 for more information on how our dumpster rental company can help you.

Residential Dumpster Rentals

Commercial Dumpster Rentals

Rental Sizes


Out With the Old,

 in With the New

Arrange for a dumpster rental to make cleaning up easier

You don't have to search far and wide to find a reputable dumpster rental company. Wastek is available for your residential or commercial dumpster rental needs. We're trusted throughout the community because we:

  • Are locally owned and operated
  • Provide reliable, timely service
  • Care about customer satisfaction
  • Offer flexible scheduling

We have several sizes available depending on your needs. Contact us today for a free estimate.

Why choose Wastek? ➞

Our dumpster rentals are spacious enough to give you plenty of room for your trash, clutter or debris. Renting a large dumpster will:

1. Save you time and effort

2. Provide convenience

3. Reduce your risk of injury

4. Cut down on cleanup time

Getting rid of junk and debris will also reduce the threat of a pest or rodent problem. Get in touch to schedule a commercial or residential dumpster rental in Brighton, MI & surrounding areas.

4 great reasons to rent a large dumpster

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